User Permissions

Modified on Thu, 19 Sep, 2024 at 10:03 AM


Access CodeDescription
Accounts Transactions
/accountsTransactionAllows display and saving of accounts transactions
/accountsTransactionResetAllows reset of accounts transactions prepared status
/allowEditingAllInvoicesAllows user to edit all invoices (including Exported).
/allowEditingPreparedInvoicesAllows user to edit Prepared invoices
/allowRevertAccTransFromBillApprovalAllows user to revert an accounts transaction type after an invoice number has been issued
/createInterimDepositsAllows user to create an interim deposit
/createInterimTransactionAllows user to create 'interim' accounts transactions.
/createInvoiceReversalAllows user to create an invoice reversal
/editAccountsTransactionAltCurrencyAllows user to edit an accounts transaction currency
/editSavedInvoiceAllows user to edit an invoice which has been saved
/resetAccountsTransactionAllows user to change the accounts transaction type
/savePaymentReceivedAllows saving of the Payment Received check box.
/adminDatesAllows user access to lock entities in iCFM (date based locking)
/customReportsDisplays any custom report options in the main menu
/editAllocationRatesAllows user access to the Project Type Editor (Admin Options)
/editQuoteTemplatesAllows user access to the quote template manager
/editViewsAllows user access to view editor
/managementReportsAllows user access to Management Reports
/saveUserInformationAllows user to save User Information
/showComboOptionsAllows user access to drop down list editor (Combo Box Options)
/showUserInformationAllows user access to the User Information page
/showUserListAllows user access to the User List page
/toggleHiddenRatecardServicesAllows user access to the ratecard status toggler utility
/superUserFull access user
API Only
/readEventQueueRead access to the EventQueue endpoint.
/writeEventQueueWrite access to the EventQueue endpoint.
/actualsCollectionDisplays details on the Actuals Collection page
/applyNoChargeWithReasonForce user to enter a reason when no charging a job or costing row
/costJobAllows user to alter costings on a job. Also displays dashboard tabs: 'MCS' & 'MCS (Prepared) if Costing Sheets are enabled
/displayFinanceShow certain financial figures on search grids and general access to financial data
/showServiceCostsAllows user to view Service Cost data
/showStaffCostsAllows user to view Staff Cost data
/staffCostsDisplays Staff Costs on Job List report
/viewBillingAllows user to view billings (on job and project), but not edit. (Not required if \/costjob is also present which allows viewing and editing)
/showSkillDetailsAllows user to view and edit detailed Staff skill data
/saveCompanyAllows user to save company information
/showCompanyAllows user access to Company information
/showCompanyAccountInfoAllows user access to Company Account information
/showcompanysearchAllows user access to the Company search page
/saveContactAllows user to Save a new company contact
/showContactAllows user access to company contacts
/showcontactsearchAllows user access to the Contact search page
Costing Sheets
/revertCostingSheetStatusAllows user to revert a costing sheets status
/saveCostingSheetAllows user to save a Costing Sheet, (MCS)
/showCostingSheetSearchAllows user access to the costing sheet search page
/dashAllQuotesAllows user access to the All Quotes tab.
/dashAllSundryDisplays Data on 'All Misc Costs' tab
/dashArtistHoursDisplays Tab: 'Artist Hours'
/dashAutomaticProjectsInvoicingDisplays Tab: 'TBC Invoices'
/dashBadBoysDisplays Tab: 'Bad Boys'
/dashBidToBillDisplays Tab: 'Bid To Bill'
/dashCategoryServicesDisplays Tab: 'Category Services'
/dashCompletedJobsDisplays Tab : 'Completed Jobs'
/dashConfirmedQuotesAllows user access to the Confirmed Quotes tab.
/dashDepotPandLDisplays Tab : 'Depot P & L'
/dashDmgTabAllows user access to view DMG data.
/dashIncompleteJobsDisplays Data on 'To Do List'
/dashInvoiceRevenueAllocationDisplays Tab: 'Invoice Allocation'
/dashInvoicesReadyForExportDisplays Tabs: 'Export' and 'Deposits'
/dashLivepandLDisplays Tab: 'Live P & L' (Profit & Loss)
/dashMcsPreparedTabAllows user access to the Prepared MCS tab.
/dashMcsTabAllows user access to the MCS tab.
/dashMismatchedInvoicesDisplays Tab: 'Mismatched Invoices'
/dashMismatchedProjectsDisplays Tab: 'Mismatched Projects'
/dashMyFutureJobsDisplays Tab: 'My Future Jobs'
/dashMyJobsDisplays Data on 'My Jobs' Tab
/dashMyProjectsDisplays Tab: 'My Projects'
/dashMyQuotesDisplays Tab: 'My Quotes'
dashMySundryDisplays Tab: 'My Misc Costs'
/dashMyThingsDisplays Tab: 'My Things'
/dashOldPencilJobsNo Longer in use
/dashOverbookedProjectsAllows user access to the Overbooked Project tab.
/dashPencilReportDisplays Tab: 'Pencil Report'
/dashPitchesDisplays Tab: 'Pitches' (Bids)
/dashProducerQuotesDisplays Tab: 'Producer Quotes'
/dashProjectProgressAllows user access to the Project Progress tab.
/dashProjectRevenueAllocationDisplays Tab: 'Revenue Allocation'
/dashProjectStatusDisplays the dashboard Project Status report
/dashPurchaseOrdersAwaitingAuthorisationDisplays Tab: 'Purchase'
/dashPurchaseTabAllows user access to the Purchase tab.
/dashQuoteCancelledDisplays Tab: 'Cancelled Quotes'
/dashQuoteOverBookedDisplays Tab: 'Overbooked Projects'
/dashQuoteProgressDisplays Tab: 'Quote Progress'
/dashQuoteWIPInfoDisplays Tab: 'Quote WIP Info'
/dashRevenueForecastDisplays Tab: 'Revenue Forecast' and 'Revenue Forecast 2'
/dashRevenueToBillDisplays Tab: 'Revenue To Bill'
/dashNonCostedJobsByProjectDisplays Tab: 'Non-Costed Jobs'
/dashScheduleReportsDisplays the schedule reports tab
/dashScheduleSeatsDisplays Tab: 'Schedule Seats'
/dashShowLiveProjectsDisplays Tab: 'LIVE PROJECTS'
/dashShowProjectSummaryDisplays Tab: 'Overdue Projects'
/dashShowTrafficDisplays Despatch detail on the 'Traffic' tab
/dashSummaryDisplays Summary section on the 'Home' tab
/dashSumQuotesDisplays Tab: 'All Bids'
/dashSundryToApproveDisplays Tab: 'My Misc Costs'
/dashTodayConfirmedJobsDisplays Tab: 'Today Confirmed Jobs'
/dashToDoListAllows user access to the To Do List tab.
/dashTrafficAllows user access to the Traffic tab.
/dashUtilisationDisplays Tab: 'Utilisation'
/dashWIPInfoDisplays Tab: 'Quote WIP Info'
/hideCompletedJobsOnDashboardExcludes Completed jobs on the 'Home' tab
/searchQuoteDisplays Tab: 'My Quotes', 'All Quotes' and 'Confirmed Quotes'
/showCompletedProjectsInDashboardShows 'Completed' Projects on the 'My Projects' tab
/showDashLeadsDisplays Tab: 'Leads'
/showDashPitchExpensesDisplays Tab: 'Pitch Expenses'
/showDashPlayoutReportDisplays the dashboard Playout Report
/showDashProducerManagementDisplays Tab: 'Producer Management'
/showExecutiveDashDisplays Tab: 'Executive'
/showFinanceDisplays financial data on various reports
/showJobSearchDisplays Tab: 'To Do List' & 'My Jobs'
/showMyJobsShows jobs where the logged in user is the job Our Contact
/showPurchaseOrderSearchDisplays Tab: 'Purchase'
/showSundryDisplays Tab: 'My Sundries' & 'All Sundries'
/dashProjectHealthCheckDisplays Tab: 'Project Health'
/showDashActualsReportDisplays Actuals 3 Report on Dashboard
/showDashUnderQuotedServicesReportDisplays the underquoted services report on Dashboard
/dashProjectProfitAndLossReportDisplays Project Profit and Loss on Dashboard
/dashProjectRevenueByCategoryDisplays Project Revenue By Category
Despatch / Shipping
/applyDespatchNoChargeWithReasonAllows a user to no charge a desatch
/deleteDespatchAllows user to delete, (cancel), a despatch item
/moveLibraryAllows user to move library items
/reinstateDespatchAllows user to reinstate a cancelled despatch
/revertDespatchStatusAllows user to revert a despatch's status
/showDespatchAllows user to open a despatch Note
/showDespatchSearchAllows user access to the Despatch search page
Dub / DMG
/deleteCompletedDMGAllows user to delete a DMG row which has been completed
/deleteDMGAllows user to delete a single DMG row
/DMGControlEditAllows user to edit \/ save changes to jobs from within DMG Control screen.
/DMGOnHoldAllows user to set jobs to 'On Hold' in DMG Control.
/dubbingControlAllows user access to the Dubbing Control area, (DMG)
/editCompletedDubsAllows user to edit a completed DMG row
/saveDMGAllows user to add a DMG row (new method, inputs, outputs etc)
/saveJobDMGAllows user to add a DMG row
/showDMGTotalDisplays a running total in the job header for all DMG\/MCR work. Displayed for jobs at Pencil, Confirmed and Completed status
/allowRollbackExportedInvoiceAllows user to revert an invoice which has been exported
/editHolidayAllows user to edit holiday information
/holidayAdminDisplays the Absence Report option in Management reports
/holidayReportDisplays the holiday report displaying all leave between the given dates
/showHolidayDisplays icon to open user holiday information from schedule
/showHolidayNotesOnBookingDisplays extended holiday description on Schedule
/addServiceToResourceAllows user access to the 'Show All' services link
/applyActualTimesAllows user to apply a resources actual times
/changeJobProjectAllows user to change the Project on a job
/editGrossStaffCostAllows user to edit Gross Staff Costs
/editNetStaffCostAllows user to edit Net Staff Costs
/editSkillLevelAllows user to edit the Skill Level of a resource
/invoiceJobAllows user to invoice a job
/moveJobsToAnotherQuoteAllows a user to move a job to a different quote within the same project
/reinstateAllocatedJobAllows user to reinstate a job which is attached to a accounts transaction
/removeServiceFromResourceAllows user to remove a service that is attached to a resource
/revertCostedJobsAllows user to revert a job that has been costed ($PREVENT_ROLLING_BACK_OF_COSTED_JOBS must be on for this access code to be checked)
/revertJobStatusAllows user to revert a jobs status
/revertSentToAccountsAllows user to revert a job that has been sent to accounts
/saveClientAttendingNotesAllows user to save notes relating to the client attending
/saveJobAllows user to create, save and edit Job data
/saveJobNotesAllows user to save a jobs notes
/saveJobScheduleAllows user to add\/edit\/delete resource-schedule records on jobs
/showGrossStaffCostDisplays Gross Staff Costs in various areas in the system
/showJobAllows user access to job details
/showJobOfficeNotesAllows user access to job 'Office\/Client Notes' notes
/showJobOperatorNotesAllows user access to job 'Operator' notes
/showJobProducerNotesAllows user access to job 'Producer' notes
/showJobShippingNotesAllows user access to job 'Shipping' notes
/showJobTabGekkoDisplays the job 'Gekko' tab
/showNetStaffCostDisplays Nett Staff Costs in various areas in the system
/updateInvoiceReceivedDisplays 'Actual Collection' menu option
/saveLeadAllows user to save leads
/searchLeadAllows user to use lead search
/showLeadAllows user to view leads
Management Reports
/rpt-AverageRateByDepotDisplays the Average Rate by Depot management report
/rpt-invoicesUser report(s) that require access code: /rpt-invoices
Media / Library
/massMediaMovementAllows access to the Mass media Movement script (also needs moveLibrary)
/saveLibraryAllows user to add\/edit library items
/showLibraryAllows user access to library data
/showLibraryNotesAllows user to view media notes
/showLibrarySearchAllows user access to the library, (media), search page
/showMediaTransactionSearchShow the media transaction search page
Misc Costs
/approveSundryAllows user to approve a Misc Cost
/authoriseSundryAllows user to Authorise a Misc Cost
/deleteSundryAllows user to delete, (cancel) a Misc Cost
/editCostedSundryAllows user to edit a Misc Cost on a job which has been costed
/printRunnersExpenseReportAllows user to print \/export the runners Misc Cost expense report
/printRunnersOvereadsAllows user to print\/export the runners Misc Cost overhead report
/showRunnersDisplays Misc Cost Search menu option
/viewSundryAllows user access to Misc Cost Search header
/saveArtistContractWrite access for Artist Contract plugin.
/saveProjectScheduleWrite access for Planner plugin.
/saveQuoteAiceWrite access for Quote AICP plugin.
/saveQuotePrepWrite access for Quote Prep plugin.
/showArtistContractRead access for Artist Contract plugin.
/showProjectScheduleRead access for Planner plugin.
/showQuoteAiceRead access for Quote AICP plugin.
/saveProductAllows user to save a product
/showProductAllows user access to Product information
/showproductsearchAllows user access to the Product search page
/allowCancelProjectAllows user to cancel a project as long as it has no Confirmed quotes, or associated costs\/revenue
/authoriseProjectAllows user to Authorise a Project
/changeProjectStatusAllows user to change a Projects status
/changeProjectStatusSentToAccountsAllows user to change a Projects status to Sent To Accounts
/editFinalCompletionDateAllows user to set or edit the project 'Closed Date' field.
/editProjectArchiveDateAllows user to edit the Archived date
/projectAccrualDeleteAllows user to delete a Project Accrual value
/projectAccrualsDisplays Tab: 'Accruals' on Project
/projectCostTrackerAllows user access to the Project Cost Tracker tab.
/projectLiveAllows user to make a project 'live'
/projectMaintenanceAllows user to press the button on the un-costed list to automatically bring the project up-to-date with regards to costings\/actualising
/projectProfitLossAllows user access to the Project P&L tab.
/projectRevenueForecastDisplays Tab: 'Revenue Forecast' (also requires \/dashRevenueForecast)
/projectTabBidVsActualDisplays Tab: 'Bid vs Actual' on Project
/revertsenttoaccountsprojectstatusAllows user to revert the status of a project from Sent To Accounts to Completed
/revertcompletedprojectstatusAllows user to revert the status of a project from Completed to Confirmed
/revertconfirmedprojectstatusAllows user to revert the status of a project from Confirmed to New
/saveProjectAllows user to create, edit and save project data
/saveProjectAccrualsAllows editing of Project Accruals
/saveProjectAttributesAllows user to save a projects attributes
/saveTeamAllows user to Save a new team member on Projects
/setFinalCompletionDateAllows user to set the project 'Closed Date' field.
/showProjectAllows user access to view Project data
/showProjectMilestonesDisplays Tab: 'Milestones' on Project
/showProjectSearchAllows user access to the project search page
/showProjectSummaryProfitLossDisplays Tab: 'Summary P&L' (also requires \/showProject and \/showStaffCosts)
/showQuotePrepDisplays Tab: 'Quote Prep' on Project
/projectForceCloseAllows user to FORCE close a project
/projectApprovalAllows user to APPROVE a project
/projectRevenueTypeAllows user to view and edit Revenue type in projects
/showSpotsAllows user to view project Spot information
Purchase Orders
/allowEditingAuthorisedPurchaseOrderAllows user to edit a Purchase Order that has been Authorised
/allowEditingAwaitingPurchaseOrderAllows user to edit a Purchase Order that is at the Awaiting Authorisation status
/allowEditingCompletedDetailsPurchaseOrderAllows user to edit the completion details of a Completed Purchase Order.
/allowEditingCompletedPurchaseOrderAllows user to cancel a Completed Purchase Order.
/allowEditingGoodsReceivedPurchaseOrderAllows user to edit a Purchase Order that is at the Goods Received status
/allowPurchaseOrderCompletionAllow or deny user the ability to Complete a Purchase Order, (requires config setting).
/savePurchaseAllows user to set the VAT totals on a PO
/savePurchaseOrderAllows user to create, save and edit Purchase Order data
/showPurchaseOrderAllows user access to Purchase Order data
/exportPurchaseAllows users to export Purchase Order data
/allowQuoteStatusConfirmedToCompletedAllows user to change quote status from Confirmed to Completed.
/allowSpreadOneTimeDiscountAllows user to spread the one time discount of a quote
/alwaysAllowQuoteDiscountAllows user to discount a quote
/bidApprovalBypassAllows user to force quote approval (only applies to advanced quote approval feature).
/confirmOverDiscountedQuoteAllows user to Confirm quotes which contain items discounted over the max discount threshold.
/exportQuoteAllows user access to export quote data
/importQuoteAllows user access to import quote data
/noQuoteLimitAllows user to Authorise a quote for any amount
/quoteBilledAllows user to flag quote as Billed
/quoteProfitAndLossDisplays Profit & Loss option in Quote Menu
/revertAuthorisedQuoteStatusAllows user to revert an Authorised quote's status
/revertAwaitingAuthorisationQuoteStatusAllows user to revert an Awaiting Authorisation quote's status
/revertCompletedQuoteStatusAllows user to revert a Completed quote's status
/revertConfirmedQuoteStatusAllows user to revert a Confirmed quote's status
/riskAssessmentApprovalAllows user to approve a risk assessment report
/saveQuoteAllows user to create, edit and save quote data
/showquotesearchAllows user to access to the Quote search page
/saveQuoteAfterExpiryAllows user to create, edit and save quote data once the end date is passed
/saveQuoteApprovedInFinanceAllows user to flag quote as Approved in Finance
/saveQuoteClientSignedAllows user to flag quote as Signed By Client
/showQuoteAllows user access to view quote data
/showStaffCostTiersAllows users to see tiered rates on quotes
/updateEndDateOnQuoteCompleteAutomatically update quote end date when setting quote status to Completed (only applies when $ON_QUOTE_COMPLETION_SET_ENDDATE_TO_TODAY = 1).
Rate Card
/editNominalAllows user to edit nominal codes on the rate card
/editRateCardAllows user to edit existing rate card data
/editVirtualCostAllows user to edit virtual costs on the rate card
/printRateCardAllows export of rate card data
/saveRateCardAllows user to create, edit and save rate card data
/showRateCardAllows user access to rate card data
/managementToolsAllows user to use the Management Tools features.
/pivotReportCompanyAccess to the Pivot Report for Company Reporting.
/pivotReportGlobalAccess to the Pivot Report for Global Reporting.
/pivotReportProjectAccess to the Pivot Report for Project Reporting.
/rpt-loginAllows user access to the reporting module.
/showInsightReportsAllows user access to Insight Reporting.
/showInsightReportCriteriaAllows user to view & edit criteria within Insight Reports.
/showInsightReportAdminAllows user to modify & save Insight Reports.
/deleteResourceAllows user to delete a resource
/exportResourceListAllows user to export the resource list
/printResourceListAllows user to print the resource list
/saveResourceAllows user to add\/edit resources
/showProducerNotesInToolTipDisplays the job Producer Notes in the Tool Tip on the rate card
/showResourceAllows user access to the resource page
/showResourceListAllows user access to the resource list
/saveResourceFinancialAllows user access to the resource's financial details
/autoShowStickyDisplays the schedule sticky note if one exists for the current date
/changeDateInScheduleAllows user to change job date when using the lasso tool
/editShiftAllows user to edit shift information
/moveItemsInViewAllows user to move resource up and down within a view
/showAllViewsAllows user to see all schedule Views.
/showScheduleAllows user access to view the main schedule
/showScheduleDragDropButtonsDisplays the Lasso, Drag, Drop, Slide buttons on the schedule
/showScheduleView1Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code.
/showScheduleView2Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code.
/showScheduleView3Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code.
/showScheduleView4Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code.
/showScheduleView5Allows user to see schedule Views that require this access code.
/showShiftNotesOnBookingDisplays shift description on Schedule
/showShiftsDisplays icon to view shift information from the schedule

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