Company Aliases

Modified on Tue, 18 Oct, 2022 at 4:01 PM

Some companies can be known by multiple names or have common misspellings, e.g. Proctor & Gamble are commonly known as P&G. To prevent duplicating records in your database, you can add any known Aliases or alternative spellings, to a Company which will redirect a User trying to add a potential duplicate, to the original Company record.

An example of where a company may have multiple Aliases is the British Broadcasting Corporation. You may add the following Aliases:

  • BBC
  • B.B.C.
  • The BBC

These are all names for the same company, and your team could quite possible try to add them as a new Company record if they don't find them under their first search. Using Aliases helps to combat that problem.

To add an Alias to a Company:

  1. Open the Company record
  2. Open the Aliases tab
  3. Any existing Aliases will be displayed
  4. Enter new Alias to the 'Add new alias' box
  5. Click the Add button to save

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